
Scylla and minos critique

The story of Scylla and Minos is as follows. The city of Alcathoe is being attacked by King Minos, he is doing this to test out the strength of his own armies before he attacks Athens. He wants to attack Athens since they are responsible for the murder of his son. Scylla the daughter of Nisus, the King of Alcathoe, watches the war from inside the city obsessively. Since she has watched the war day in, day out, she has knows all about the horses and clothes of the enemy, and in particular she has become obsessed with Minos. She watches admiringly everything that he does and she starts to fall in love him.

Rooted as it is in the fabric of social life

Have you found that the plays you have read vary from each other in the degree to which they present criticism of society? Consider the concerns of two or three authors in your answer. Anouilh's "Antigone" and Aristotle's "King Oedipus" both present varying degrees of social criticism. In 'Antigone', the role of the guards project the moral debasement of the society, which reflects the context in which the play was written. The major theme of following orders without independent judgment reflects the society at that time during the second world war and being impartial to the moral corruption and decay of their community.